N279 Entertainment is a Dutch production company founded by producer Els Vandevorst and director Martin Koolhoven.
We produce feature films with great artistic value and accessibility with which we aim to reach beyond Dutch borders. We focus on making strong distinctive art-house films as well as quality mainstream movies on a national and international level.
N279 also believes in the power of collaboration of international talent. We want to work with gifted and original creators from all over the world. We believe in authenticity and originality: film and collaborations can only exists when there is a natural, organic foundation from which a project originates and that has a director as the driving force.
N279 Entertainment was founded in 2010 and has since produced a diverse range of films, such as Brimstone (Martin Koolhoven), Francofonia (Alexandr Sokurov), The Surprise (Mike van Diem), It’s all so quiet (Nanouk Leopold) and The Zigzag Kid (Vincent Bal.)
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